Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow hospital

The Ebola virus has found its way into Glasgow, when the woman  who arrived from Sierra Leone on Sunday night is isolated at Glasgow Gartnavel Hospital.

The women will be transported to a specialist high level isolation in London and first Minister Nicola Sturgeon stressed that the risk o the general public is very low in a  news conference in Glasgow.

"Apart from other passengers on the flights and obviously the hospital staff since this patient's admittance to hospital, she, the patient is thought to have had contact with only one other person in Scotland since returning to Scotland last night and that person will also be contacted and given appropriate reassurance.” Said Sturgeon 

The public health experts have made it clear that the risk is very negligible, a telephone help line have being st up for anyone who was on the BA 1478 Heathrow to Glasgow , the line number is 08000 858531


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