Special Envoy Angelina rips UN’s paralysis over Syria four million refugees….. and Syrian ambassador’s response, she’s beautiful

Angelina Jolie, the Special  Envoy  pleaded with world powers on Friday to help the million of Syrian refugees,  as she sharply criticizing the UN Security Council for paralyzing over Syrian four years of conflict.
Angelina Jolie  speaking at the United Nations in New York on Friday says 

We cannot look at Syria and the evil that has arisen from the ashes of indecision, and think this is not the lowest point in the world’s inability to protect and defend the innocent”
It is sickening to see thousands of refugees drowning on the doorsteps of the world’s wealthiest continent
Angelina Jolie lambasted the Security Council for their inaction over the crisis, and the Syrian ambassador ran out of words to say and simple says “She’s beautiful”


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