Jay-Z claims that there is a multi-million dollar smear campaign against

Jay-Z launched series of tweets defending his premium app Tidal  after the service is described as a “Flop” the rapper claims that Tidal is being sabotaged by rival as it attempts to take business away from more establish music outlet like Spotify and Apple.
The rapper claims that
many  big companies that are spending millions on a smear campaign”

The app has not received approval for Apple’s iOS app store yet. The site claimed that after Rihanna song American Oxygen debuted on Tidal  there were technical problems with her music on iTunes. Apple  claims that the allegation of Rihanna songs being deliberately scrambled is not true while speaking to Page Six.

Tidal charges $19.99 a month for its premium music streaming service and aims on take on rivals such as Spotify , Pandora, and Apple’s  iTunes. Tidal which was launched on March  30, has  fallen out of Apple’s top 750 apps after a peak at No.83 on April 7 says Billboard.com on Sunday.


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