Ebola Symptoms and Preventive Measures

The Ebola virus, is a virus that causes severe bleeding (hemorrhage), organ failure and in many cases dead to the infected person.  This virus is said to originate from Africa. The Ebola virus has no cure yet and lives in animal host and humans which have made contact with the virus. After the initial contact with the virus, the virus can spread from person to person through body fluids or contaminated needles.
The Ebola history can be traced back to 1976 where it first emerged in Sudan infecting about 284 people, months later a second outbreak in Zaire Yambuku where 318 people were infected. The third stream of this deadly virus was identified in 1989 when infected monkeys were imported to Reston, Virginia from Philippines and since then the virus spread  have being witness in most of the African countries where it is said to originate.
In the early state of contact and spread, the patient may have the following symptoms
Muscle aches
Sore throat
And in the later stage of infection the, the symptoms include
Bleeding inside and outside the body
Trouble breathing
Genital swelling (Labia and Scrotum)
Rash over the entire body that often contain blood
There is no cure yet to Ebola disease since most of the antivirals do not work well against the Ebola disease and so therefore patient are hospitalized under intensive care. It is safe to say that 90% of the people contacted with Ebola die
This measure include the following
Wear a gown, gloves and mask around a person/patient infected with Ebola
Avoid areas with epidemics outbreak


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