The Tale of a Phoenix

There are various versions of the mythical bird phoenix and the stories varies from one place to another about the phoenix and the type of bird it is.
The historian Herodotus (Greek) has his own account about the Phoenix and in his own account; he claimed no one has actually seen the bird except in paintings, in fact the guy was speaking the truth, we only saw a picture of the bird called the Phoenix in Harry Potter and The Chambers of Secretes. It is said that the Phoenix appears every 500-years, that’s very convenient for historian to give an incomplete story, but what is fascinating about the whole issue is that the phoenix’s visits Egypt after his father died. Well now, we got nothing but a bird with some imaginary description Holy Moses!! can you guys tell us more about the bird and we can lay rest our brains about this mystical bird?

The fire-bird bird story is as old as most mythology The Assyrians called it the phoenix, this bird lives on frankincense and odoriferous gums, how convincing, the bird build up a next in the oak tree or on a palm tree. The bird is a collector of cinnamon, spikenard and myrrh, there deposits itself and died and of its death body, a young one spring forth, and when grown to full strength lift up the next and carry it to Heliopolis, just like it predecessor it lives for another 500-years and died again. 
Well enough have being said and not more has being done, the Egyptians has more of its records in the Book of Dead which I myself trying to find, if any exist and read to my satisfaction, because if all is said then, no knowledge is wasted right? But the Greek has a different view and say the bird lives in Phoenicia (Lebanon). Well we will soon find out would we not?


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