Am grateful mom !!
i am not grown, i was raised in a quite most charming neighborhood under the guidance, comfort and the very God driven teachings of my mother... there is none like you mama , un-comparable, un-compactable to any mother whom is uniquely design by God for me. there is none like you mama!! because i search the entire universe and find none like you mama..

she carried my pregnancy for nine month, and did not abort me, am grateful mama, she endure the pain of my delivery, am grateful mama, she breastfed me and i was not raised of COW milk, am grateful mama, with NO Nanny, i was raised in the African way am grateful mama, while am still in bed she got my breakfast made and with a gentile kiss you wake me up, am grateful mama..She changed my diapass and kept me warm at all times am grateful mama.she taught me to fear God and pray for my enemies and grateful mama with or without, she provide my needs am grateful mama !!!!!
did your mom happen to do these but few i have mentioned above about my mom??, or did your father deprive you of this feelings and love ?.. or may be your mom,got you a nanny ? or she dumped you and your father for another man but if any of the above mentioned happen to you then you have MISSED BIG TIME!!! sorry !!!